Sunday, January 27, 2013

SIRM: Sher Institite Conference

Today I attended a talk given by Dr. Sher and learned a lot. It was an interesting forum of people seeking information and who have been trying treatments for years. He introduced IUI in the United States and has been changing the face of IF treatment since. Books, blogs, awards, TV interviews, and a long legacy of physicians he's trained. (I had of course never heard of him, but now see his name posted all over this forum).

I was initially drawn to the conference by the free IVF cycle giveaway- they did a drawing at the end, but I got a lot out of it and ended up signing up for a free phone consultation this Thursday at 7pm. I was incredibly impressed by his knowledge and accomplishments and what seems to be a genuine desire to help people- even those who couldn't normally afford treatment.

I left slightly discouraged by some of the information he provided that leads me to believe IUI may not work for us. He VERY strongly suggests women do NO MORE than 3 IUI's. He said if pregnancy doesn't occur after three the chances of IUI working are slim and if pregnancy does occur on the 4th or later cycles, the damage to our uterine lining from the medicine will dramatically increase the risk of miscarriage. When he does IVF he prefers to freeze the eggs and let your body rest for 1-2 months while they do testing to ensure the quality of the egg and so your body can recover from stimulation. Oh, and he suggest we have a blood test done to check for Activated Natural Killer Cells that will prevent implantation regardless of the quality of the egg. A lab called Reprosource sends a kit for the blood work. Oh, AND he mentioned women using vaginal viagra (yes, that viagra) to increase the lining of the uterus.

He compared reproduction to farming... you need a healthy seed (egg), quality soil (uterus), and a farmer that knows what season and what fertilizer is best. (An RE who understands your body and what medicine to use).

I'll let you know how our conversation goes on Thursday and where we decide to go from here. We're not ready for the IVF investment, but may not want to face IUI failure either... ugh!!!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

From Easter announcement to Valentine's Day basting.

Well, I just found out that I'm going on my work trip, leaving the night I'd have IUI if AF is only a day late, but 2-4 days late and I miss altogether. That's assuming we do trigger on day 12 which we wont know.... so I'm out for December. Looks like a romantic valentine's day turkey basting for me!

Commonly used and accepted abbreviations


2WW two-week wait

AF Aunt Flo; menstrual period

AH assisted hatching

ART assisted reproductive technology

ASA antisperm antibodies

ASRM American Society for Reproductive Medicine

AZH assisted hatching

AWOL a woman on Lupron

BA baby aspirin

BB bulletin board

BBT basal body temperature

BCP birth control pills

BD baby dance; sexual intercourse

BFN big fat negative; a negative result on a pregnancy test

BFP big fat positive; a positive result on a pregnancy test

BMS baby-making sex

BSE breast self-exam

BTW by the way

BV baby vibes; happy baby thoughts

BW blood work

CB cycle buddy; someone who has the same cycle as you

CCT Clomid challenge test

CD cycle day

CD56+ natural killer cells

CM cervical mucus

CNM certified nurse midwife

COW curse of womanhood; menstruation

C/S caesarian section

CVS chorionic villae sampling

CY# number of cycles spent trying to conceive

DA dear angel; lost baby

D&C dilation and curettage

D&E dilation and evacuation

DD dear daughter, darling daughter

DE donor eggs

DH dear husband, darling husband

DI donor insemination

DOR diminished ovarian reserve

DPO days post ovulation

DPR days post retrieval

DPT days post transfer

DP3DT days post three-day transfer

DP5DT days post five-day transfer

DS dear son, darling son; donated sperm

DW dear wife, darling wife

Dx diagnosis

EB endometrial biopsy

EDD estimated due date

ENDO endometriosis

EPO evening primrose oil

ET embryo transfer

EWCM egg white cervical mucus

FAQ frequently asked questions

FBG fasting blood glucose

FET frozen embryo transfer

FF Fertility Friend

FH fetal heart rate

FIL father in law

FM fertility monitor

FP follicular phase

FSH follicle stimulating hormone

FTTA fertile thoughts to all

FWIW for what it’s worth

GD gestational diabetes

GIFT gamete intrafallopian transfer

GnRH gonadotropin releasing hormone

GP general practitioner

GTT glucose tolerance test

hCG human chorionic gonadotropin; a hormone shot to bring on ovulation within 36 hours

HPT home pregnancy test

HRT hormone replacement therapy

HSC hysteroscopy

HSG hysterosalpingogram; a test in which the doctor injects dye into the uterus and fallopian tubes

HTH hope this helps

ICI intracervical insemination

ICSI intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection; a type of in vitro fertilization when the sperm is directly injected into the egg cell

IF infertility

IGTT insulin and glucose tolerance test

IM intramuscular

IMHO in my honest opinion

IMO in my opinion

IR insulin resistant

IRC internet relay chat

IUI intrauterine insemination

IVF in vitro fertilization

LAP laparoscopy

LH luteinizing hormone

LMP last menstrual period

LO love Olympics; sexual intercourse

LOL laugh out loud; lots of luck

LP luteal phase

LPD luteal phase defect

LSP low sperm count

MAI miscarriage after infertility

MC miscarriage

MF male factor

MIL mother in law

MMR measles, mumps, rubella vaccine

NBD no big deal

NEST non-surgical embryonic selective thinning

NP nurse practitioner

NSA nonsurgical sperm aspiration

O ovulation

OB obstetrician

O YN – obstetrician/ gynecologist

OD ovum donor

OHSS ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome

OPK ovulation predictor kit

OPT ovulation predictor test

OT off topic

OTOH on the other hand

OTC over the counter

OTTC overweight and trying to conceive

OV ovulation

OW overweight

P4 progesterone

PA physician’s assistant

PCO polycystic ovary

PCP primary care doctor

PCOD polycystic ovary disease

PCOS polycystic ovary syndrome

PCT post coital test

PG pregnant

PID pelvic inflammatory disease

PIO progesterone in oil

PMS premenstrual syndrome

PNM perinatal mortality

POA plan of action

POC products of conception

POF premature ovarian failure

POV point of view

PROM premature rupture of membranes

PTSD post traumatic stress disorder

RE reproductive endocrinologist

RI reproductive immunologist

ROFL rolling on the floor laughing

ROTFLOL rolling on the floor laughing out loud

RPL recurrent pregnancy loss

RSA recurrent spontaneous abortion

RX prescription

SA semen analysis

SAHD stay at home dad

SAHM stay at home mom

SART Society of Assisted Reproductive Technology

SB stillborn

SD stepdaughter

SI secondary infertility

SIL sister in law

SIS saline injection sonogram

SO significant other

SonoHSG sonohysterogram

SPAL subsequent pregnancy after a loss

SS stepson

STD sexually transmitted disease

STIMS stimulating hormones

SubQ subcutaneous injections

T1 type 1 diabetes

T2 type 2 diabetes

TAB taking a break

TCOYF Taking Charge of Your Fertility – a book by Toni Weschler

TEMP taking your temperature

TESA testicular sperm aspiration

TESE testicular sperm extraction

TIA thanks in advance

TL tubal ligation

TLOL the labor of love

TMI too much information

TR tubal reversal

TRH thyroid releasing hormone

TSH thyroid stimulating hormone

TTC trying to conceive

TTCAR trying to conceive after reversal

TTFA ta ta for now

TTYS talk to you soon

TTYTT to tell you the truth

UR urologist

US ultrasound

UTI urinary tract infection

V vasectomy

VR vasectomy reversal

WB welcome back

WBC white blood cells

WTT waiting to test; waiting to try to conceive

ZIFT zygote intrafallopian transfer

Dream on...

I'm looking back at some of my posts and realizing I can't spell when I type. Oh well! Also, I wanted to add to my "ideal scenario"! I have IUI this month, around the 16th, which is my husband's birthday and we're due in October, the baby is born on "Sweetest Day" and we know there was some divine intervention there. Also, we hit the 12 week mark around Easter Sunday so we find a really cute, fun way to announce our pregnancy to friends and family. Oh, and while I'm dreaming I should ad that my husband doesn't argue at all with my desire to "wear" my baby, co-sleep while breastfeeding, cloth diaper, and avoid most vaccinations. And to continue the dream, we have a really fun baby shower that's more like a co-ed party with all our friends, family, and neighbors. Oh, AND some of my other girlfriends with babies agree to co-op childcare so we can have our babies at home with a nanny, and if the nanny needs a sick day or vacation we take turns staying home from work, we also share laundry duty, baby food making, and date night/weekend childcare!! AAAANNNDDD.... baby is so smart and wonderful that he/she is accepted to my school at 3 so we're together from Pre-K through 6th grade! Am I missing anything??

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Men have moments too...

Wow, a lot has happened since my last check in... we had a few days in non IF land! Today I am having dinner with a girlfriend who is about to start her second attempt at IVF, I think I'm going to tell her that we're knee deep in treatment too. Other than our marriage mentor couple (who know EVERYTHING about us), we haven't told anyone about this journey- not even family. I think she'll be a good person to talk to since we are in very different situations and if one of us gets the BFP before the other or if we both BPF ot BFN at the same time it will be nice to know. I still don't know about the work trip which is making me crazy, but AF seems like she'll be delayed a day or two anyway- must be because I want her to get here, she's going to take her time or my body is already just losing it! LOL My husband had a moment yesterday where I thought we'd call off the whole thing. Not a fight exactly, but a freak out. I have been doing so much research, blogging, and connecting with all of you, but he hasn't had an outlet or time to do any research. Out of the blue he decided to "google" side effects, success rates, multiples, etc and got really worried. He doesn't want to put me at risk which I totally get and he knows I am such a naturalist and never take medication that this is a huge deal. I told him that I am at peace with it, trusting God, and have wrapped my mind around the lack of other options. BUT I am also very open to foster care, adoption, and/or becoming an animal hoarder instead of biological mother where he is not so open. Long story short, we talked and prayed, laughed and cried and this morning he called the Doctor's office. One of the nurses (who clearly had me in mind) told him not to worry, I am healthy and young, and the meds are all different variations of things like birth control pills. She also told him that all we can do is take it a step at a time and only 1 of 10 of her cases ends up with twins and even fewer with higher order multiples. He called me excited again, relieved, and requesting I refuse to go on the business trip so we can get this done in January. Thanks Theressa!!!